Christine P Piro 邦契克学院堂化学副教授

办公地点:Hackman 416 (HAC416)和Bonchek 105 (BON105)




A.B. in Chemistry and Mathematics, Vassar College. PIs: Prof. Miriam Rossi and Prof. Joseph Tanski

PhD. 麻省理工学院生物化学博士. PIs: Prof. Catherine L. Drennan and Prof. Collin M. Stultz.

博士后研究助理,加州大学伯克利分校和斯克里普斯 Research Institute. PI: Prof. Michael A. Marletta.


我的实验室使用各种生化技术来了解蛋白质的功能 and X-ray crystallography to analyze protein structure. In general, I am interested 利用非规范或非天然氨基酸来研究蛋白质结构 功能,更广泛地说,细胞是如何感知和应对环境的.


氨基酸可以被认为是生命的基石——它们可以被组合在一起 形成具有独特结构和功能的独特肽或蛋白质. There 20种天然存在的氨基酸和一些额外的氨基酸变体 我们的细胞能够通过修饰最初的20个氨基酸来制造. Scientists continue 通过化学合成氨基酸来扩充氨基酸的字母表 它们通常被称为非规范氨基酸(ncAAs)或 unnatural amino acids (UAAs). 这个扩展的字母表为生物化学家提供了额外的 探索蛋白质结构和调节蛋白质功能的工具. A large portion 在我的实验室工作的重点是开发,表征和利用 可以更好地理解蛋白质结构(A区)并改变 protein functions (Area B). 我对小分子和离子传感也很感兴趣 proteins (Area C). A和B领域主要是与同事合作完成的 Prof. Scott Brewer and Prof. 爱德华·芬伦中心的所有奖学金都是 指导本科研究人员并与之合作. 

领域A:开发,表征和利用ncAAs或其他具有振动的小分子 reporters to study protein structure. 蛋白质系统中的振动报告是由几个原子组成的官能团 (e.g. nitriles CN or azides N3),其红外(IR)光谱信号超出正常功能范围 groups present in a protein (e.g. carbonyls C=O, amides NH, and alcohols OH) (Figure 3). The exact location or frequency 这些报告者的红外信号会根据当地的溶剂化,氢的变化而变化 bonding, and electrostatic environments. Using protein-binding small molecules or 带有振动报告官能团的ncAAs,在 proteins can be explored site-specifically. 

领域B:利用ncAAs研究和调节蛋白质功能. 除了使用ncaa研究蛋白质结构外,我们还利用它们进行调谐 the functionality of a number of protein systems. Using a variety of phenylalanine-derived 由于我们已经改变了GFP的光物理性质. We are currently working 调整血红素的氧结合亲和力,一氧化氮和/或氧结合 (H-NOX)蛋白使用多种酪氨酸衍生的ncAAs.    

Area C: Sensing of small molecules and ions. 所有生物都有感知环境的机制,并将信号传递给 cause an appropriate response (e.g., altered metabolism or gene expression, movement away from a toxin or towards nutrients). The goals in these projects are to biochemically 并从结构上表征参与传感和信号通路的蛋白质. 

Grants & Awards

Dreyfus Foundation Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award TH-21-007, “构建工具和工程功能:利用非天然氨基酸进行研究 Proteins”, 2022 – 2026, $75,000 (PI)

NSF CAREER Award 1847937, “研究方向:用遗传编码的非正则函数探索结构和扩展功能 Amino Acids”, September 2019 ­­– August 2024, $515,000 (PI)

NIH R15 学术进修奖R15GM121984,“气体结合血红素的监测与调优” 含有非天然氨基酸的蛋白质”,2016年9月- 2019年8月,371,714美元(PI)

Research Corporation 单研究员科特雷尔学院科学奖23662,“卤化感” pollutants by Dehalococcoides mccartyi” July 2014 – June 2016, $35,000 (PI)

APS一般用户奖,提供在阿贡的APS免费同步加速器时间的访问 国家实验室收集x射线衍射数据,2014 - 2019年(PI)五项奖励


F&M Undergraduate co-authors are in bold 通讯作者用星号表示.

Lee, B. L.; Papoutsis, B. M.; Wong, N. Y.; Piacentini, J.; Kearney, C.; Huggins, N. A.; Cruz, N.; Ng, T. T.; Hao, K. H.; Kramer, J. S.; Fenlon, E. E.; Nerenberg, P. S.*; Phillips-Piro, C. M.*; Brewer, S. H.* 用4-氰基- l -苯丙氨酸解开复杂的局部蛋白质环境. Journal of Physical Chemistry B2022, 126, 8957-8969.

Olenginski, G.M., Piacentini, J., Harris, D., Runko, N., Papoutsis, B.M., Alter, J., Hess, K.R., Brewer, S.H.*, and Phillips-Piro, C.M.* Structural and spectrophotometric 超级文件夹中两种非天然氨基酸改变发色团的研究 green fluorescent protein. Acta Crystallographica D,  2021, D77, 1010-1018.

Luo, M., Eaton, C., Hess, K.R., Phillips-Piro, C.M.*, Brewer, S.H.*, and Fenlon, E.E.*  Paired Spectroscopic and Crystallographic Studies of Protease Active Sites. Chemistry Select2019, 4, 9836-9843

Maurici, N., Savidge, N., Lee, B., Brewer, S.H., and Phillips-Piro, C.M.*  Crystal structures of GFP with unnatural amino acid 4-nitro-L-phenylalanine. Acta Crystallographica F,  2018, F74, 650-655.

Kearney, C.; Olenginski, L. T., Hirn, T. D.; Fowler, G. D.; Tariq, D.; Brewer, S. H.*; Phillips-Piro, C. M.* Exploring Local Solvation Environments of a 血红素蛋白用光谱报告4-氰- l -苯丙氨酸. RSC Advances  2018, 8, 13503-13512.

Dippel, A.B.; Olenginski, G.M.; Maurici, N.; Liskov, M. T.; Brewer, S. H.*; and Phillips-Piro, C.M.* Probing the effectiveness of spectroscopic reporter unnatural amino acids: a structural study. Acta Cryst. D2016, D72, 121-130.

Tookmanian, E.M.; Phillips-Piro, C.M.*; Fenlon, E.E.*; and Brewer, S.H.* Azidoethoxyphenylalanine 作为振动报告者和点击蛋白质化学伙伴. Chemistry–A European Journal  2015, 21, 19096-19103.

Student Collaborators

(listed by graduation year)

2026 - Gabe Butler, Liah Perez

2025 - Connor Brooks, Campbell Kelly, Kat Patitucci

2024 - David Broughton


2022 - Nathan Wong, Muya Li, Sarah Schick, Pratiksha Mishra, Chloe Holod

2021 - Angelica Camilo, Brianna Papoutsis, Christian Bogardus, Lea Dungan

2020 - Darcy Harris, Nicolette Runko

2019 - ByungUk (Mike) Lee

2018 - Trexler Hirn, Maggie Luo


2016 - Nicole Maurici, Daniyal Tariq, Jordan Alter, Carolina Giraldo

2015 - Gregory Olenginski, Lukasz Olenginski, Elise Tookmanian

2014 - Andrew Dippel, Austin Zimmet

2013 - Brittany Sembler, Melanie Liskov

Courses Taught

普通化学I:描绘原子世界,讲座 & Lab

普通化学II:原子世界中的反应,讲座 & Lab

chm351 -生物化学入门:生命化学,讲座 & Lab


CNX 164 - #Science: Engaging the Public

In the News

Student Researcher Helps Develop Tool for Biochemists